Amsterdam 3d Kinderstad Project Proposal 2020

Een Virtual Reality project voor kinderen in samenwerking met Theo Schepens

In Amsterdam 3d Kinderstad, kunnen kinderen in de virtuele ruimte middels een
headset en handcontrollers met elkaar creaties uitwisselen toevoegen en bekijken.
Zo kunnen ze ervaren dat de wereld maakbaar is.
Dat hun eigen acties veranderingen in de stad kunnen brengen.

Have a look Neos World Engine explained by Tomas (aka Frooxius) Mariancek
Neos is an incredible powerful engine, especialy for collaboration, as it allows
to work together in the same virtual constructed scene even when the
participants are located in different parts of the 'real' world.
On top of that, creating, drawing, painting sculpting in Neos is a very intuative
experience,. That makes it an outstanding tool for children to both express
themselves and learn.
For the above reasons we have chosen to work in Neos instead of the more
popular game engines like Unreal Engine 4
Walking Statue Female
We are looking at different mocap solutions. Take project Orion from Ikinema